“We love our new home. Monogram Homes definitely turned our dreams into a reality.

We had been thinking about downsizing for several years and had begun collecting ideas, but the thought of actually building a home at this point in our lives was rather intimidating. Everything changed though when our granddaughter was born, and we knew the time was right to move closer to our family and be more “hands on” grandparents.

We had talked to a couple of different builders, but when we met the Seaton’s at an open house, we felt so comfortable with them that we decided to set up an appointment with Danielle and Bob to talk to them about our many ideas. We were skeptical that they would be able to come up with a plan that would incorporate all of the things that were on our ”wish” list, but after a couple of meetings with Danielle, we were amazed. I even teased her about getting inside my head and seeing my ideas because the 3-D rendering of our future home that she created was exactly the home that we had dreamed about.

The Seaton’s and the whole Monogram crew were incredible to work with, and their craftsmanship is the best we’ve seen anywhere. We are so proud to say that we own a Monogram Home and would recommend them without a minute’s hesitation.”